One Direction wearing all orange on stage in Amsterdam.
Photo: Courtesy of @OneDirection's Instagram
We don't know about you, but we're pretty sure it's a very rare thing for concerts to have a dress code—let alone for an artist to send out a public blast specifying a color palette for his or her audience's wardrobe. And yet, we're definitely not surprised that the dudes of One Direction (a.k.a. the KINGS of color coordination) did exactly that this weekend. Earlier this week, the boy band's official Twitter (along with the dudes' individual accounts) sent out pleas for their Dutch Directioners to come to the Amsterdam show Friday night clad in ORANGE.
Boys want everyone coming to the Ziggo Arena show tonight to wear orange #turnziggoorange
— One Direction (@onedirection) May 3, 2013
Dispatched with the hashtag #turnziggoorange, their message was seen and recirculated all last week in anticipation of the show. What's more, show-goers were promised a surprise if they helped turn the arena tangerine. What, pray tell, ended up being the reward? All of 1D clad in HEAD-TO-TOE bright orange suits!!!
One Direction's audience wearing all orange in Amsterdam.
Photo: Courtesy of @HarryStyles' Instagram
Granted, there's something a little "inmate chic" about this particular shade of clementine rendered in five matching skinny lapels, but with exemplary hair as the boys of One Direction always sport, they get away with it. Thanks to Harry Styles, we got a stage perspective snap of the all orange everything Amsterdam audience, and suffice it to say, we're pretty impressed. If you're as puzzled as we were by how unilaterally identical everyone's hue of orange is, we found an explanation: Queen's Day! It's a national holiday in the Netherlands (which fell on April 30 this year) wherein the country celebrates the Queen (duh), and a huuuuuge part of that celebration is putting up orange banners, eating orange foods, drinking orange drinks, and wearing orange clothes. Way to be festive, boys!
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