Howie is praying that he won't spill ketchup on his white pants.
Photo: Jive Records
It's been a decade and a half since Backstreet Boys' third album, Millennium, hit the airwaves, forever changing our lives and the legacy of boy bands as we know it.
Unlike the dudes in *NSync, who each had their own respective personal styles, BSB exhibited an admirable dedication to matching. They matched in the videos off of their first and second albums (see: "Quit Playing Game [With My Heart]" and "As Long As You Love Me" for two prime examples), but their propensity for outfit coordination hit a truly impressive note during their Millennium era.
When you think of the word "millennium," what do you think of? The year 2000? Nah. You think of five dudes dressed in head-to-toe white and that's thanks to the album cover and, largely, this video. This monotone look was iconic enough that Blink-182 spoofed it in one of their videos. These outfits deserve attention and we're gonna give it to 'em.
GIF: Jive Records/Jenny Shafei
GIF: Jive Records/Jenny Shafei
AJ and his surprisingly simple outfit get a deserved moment in the spotlight. He's the minimalist of the group, I guess.
GIF: Jive Records/Jenny Shafei
Um, Howie, can you teach us how to change our clothes without lifting a finger? Also how to time travel? Thanks!
GIF: Jive Records/Jenny Shafei
Kevin has clearly practiced that thoughtful-chest-slap, hip-dip move in the mirror a time or two, but it *does* show off his sheer shirt in a very nice way.
GIF: Jive Records/Jenny Shafei
Yes, ladies, this is what a heartthrob looked like in 1999. No, Nick, you tell ME why.
GIF: Jive Records/Jenny Shafei
Ribbed cotton has never looked as good as it does on Brian. Related: Remember ribbed cotton?
GIF: Jive Records/Jenny Shafei
A necessary close-up of the guys' facial hair, which are magical works of art. So much detail. So much trimming.
GIF: Jive Records/Jenny Shafei
It's impossible not to love a little morphing action, and also impossible not to notice the similarities between these special effects and those in One Direction's latest music video...!
Happy Birthday, Millennium! I'll listen to you all day.
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